
Ukrgasbank earned half a billion profit

Profit of Ukrgasbank totaled UAH 576.3 million, for 10 months 2019.

Ukrgasbank becomes а member of United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative

Ukrgasbank joins the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI).

Ukrgasbank becomes Signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Banking
Ukrgasbank has become an official Signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Banking – a single framework for a sustainable banking industry developed through an innovative partnership between banks worldwide and United…
Ukrgasbank earned UAH 347 million profit

Profit of Ukrgasbank increased to UAH 347 million, for 9 months 2019.

UKRGASBANK receives another increase in trade finance limit from IFC

Ukrgasbank has received another increase in its trade finance limit from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, under its Global Trade Finance Program (GTFP). The total amount of the limit is now $70 million, representing an increase of $30 million.

Fitch Upgrades Ukrgasbank rating from “B-“ to “B”

Fitch Ratings has upgraded Ukrgasbank Long-Term Foreign Currency Issuer Default Rating (IDR) to ‘B’ from ‘B-‘. The Outlook is Positive.

Ukrgasbank received UAH 313 million profit

Profit of Ukrgasbank for January-August 2019 amounted to UAH 313 million. The bank’s assets totaled UAH 110 billion (Ukrgasbank is among top-5 largest banks in Ukraine by assets). 

Ukrgasbank is on the top-20 successful Ukrainian brands list

Ukrgasbank is the only Ukrainian bank to be enlisted among the top-20 successful Ukrainian brands, according to "Vlast Deneg" magazine.

Ukrgasbank became the first partner of the Energy Efficiency Fund in "Energodim" program

The Energy Efficiency Fund and IFC have selected UKRGASBANK to be the first financial partner in "Energodim» energy-efficiency renovation program. The cooperation agreement was signed on August 21, 2019.

Ukrgasbank received UAH 288 million profit

Profit of Ukrgasbank has reached UAH 288 million for January-July 2019. This comes as a result of introducing modern products and online services as well as overall growth of the client base which has increased by more than 400 thousand since the beginning of 2019.

Ukrgasbank carried out trade financing operations for more than USD 53 million

Ukrgasbank continues to increase the volume of international trade financing. The bank has already carried out operations for more than USD 53 million under IFC Global Trade Finance Program (GTFP). The total amount of the GTFP limit is USD 40 million, which means that the Bank has not only successfully completed the project, but also continues to increase its scale by opening new deals.

Fitch affirmed UKRGASBANK Ratings

Fitch Ratings has affirmed JSB UKRGASBANK Long-Term Foreign and Local Currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) at ‘B-’ with Stable Outlooks. The bank’s National Long-Term Ratings affirmed at ‘AA(ukr)’ with Stable Outlooks, which reflects the bank’s relative creditworthiness to peers within Ukraine.


Ukrgasbank was named the best bank for sustainable finance in Central & Eastern Europe in the Euromoney Award for Excellence 2019. The award ceremony was held on July 10 in London and gathered 500 senior bankers from around the world.

JSB "Ukrgasbank" received EUR 40 million trade finance facility from the EBRD

The EBRD is providing EUR 40 million trade finance facility under the Trade Facilitation Programme (TFP) for JSB "Ukrgasbank" ("Ukrgasbank") to support better access to finance for export-oriented companies, helping sustain the country’s economic recovery and create jobs.  The project will broaden access of companies to trade finance instruments and expand the range of available trade finance products. The project will increase UGB's competitiveness and future investment value through improved business diversity and implementation of good business practices and standards.

Ukrgasbank took part in "Innovation for Impact" Knowledge Forum

Ukrgasbank’s First Deputy CEO, Andrii Kravets participated in "Innovation for Impact" Knowledge Forum hosted by IFC’s Financial Institution Group (FIG) that took part on June 26-27 in Washington, Unites States. Andrii Kravets showcased the success story of Ukrgasbank’s transformation into green bank. During plenary panel discussions, he shared with the global financial community how Ukrgasbank contributes to popularizing green finance and prevents the climate change by and raising the environmental awareness of the population.

ECO bank paves the way for hydrogen cars in Ukraine

UKRGASBANK and the Ukrainian Hydrogen Council signed a memorandum on introducing the innovative hydrogen technologies into the Ukrainian energy sector. Being #1 ECO-bank in Ukraine, UKRGASBANK supports environmentally friendly initiatives and hydrogen fuel is just the thing. The efficiency of hydrogen engines is 2-3 times higher than that of petrol engines. Moreover, they need to be refueled just once per 500 km and it takes only 3 to 5 minutes.

UKRGASBANK earned a quarter of a billion Hryvnia profit

In the five months of 2019, UKRGASBANK earned a profit of UAH 247 million. This is almost 1.5 times more, compared to the same period last year.

Since the beginning of 2019, the assets of the Bank also increased by UAH 4 billion and reached UAH 86.4 billion.

Ukrgasbank has made trade finance transactions with the first-class Western European banks

Ukrgasbank has made trade finance transactions with the first-class Western European banks to ensure the supply of imported gas to Ukraine.

Income of Ukrgasbank has reached UAH 227 million, year to date

Net profit of Ukrgasbank for January-April 2019 amounted to UAH 227 million, which is 2.5 times more, compared to the same period of 2018.

Ukrgasbank is on the top-3 “Best trade finance bank in Eastern Europe” nomination list

Ukrgasbank is among the top-3 leaders in “Best trade finance bank in Eastern Europe”  category, according to the most reputable trade finance edition - Global Trade Review. The award ceremony was held in London.

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