UKRGASBANK provided almost UAH 50 million in financing energy efficiency measures for condominiums in the year 2016

During the year 2016 UKRGASBANK provided financing amounting to UAH 47.7 million in 284 energy efficiency projects for condominiums and cooperative housing associations. The loans were advanced under government-subsidized Energy Efficiency Program.

Loan proceeds were used to draught proof houses, to install individual heating units and energy efficient windows, to set up water and heat meters, to upgrade lighting systems, to install solar power systems etc.

Today any condominium or cooperative housing association has an opportunity to apply for energy efficient loan amounting to UAH 10 million for the period of up to 10 years without deposit money or collateral. UKRGASBANK is the only bank in Ukraine to provide such lending conditions.

Government-subsidized Energy Efficiency Program enables borrowers to receive compensation amounting to 70% in energy efficiency measures and to receive additional compensation from the local budgets of up to 25% per annum or part of the loan. According to State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, in the year 2016 there were 216 local “warm” loans compensation programs developed and adopted.


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