UKRGASBANK advanced EUR 3 million loan for solar power plants construction in Khmelnitsky region

In February 2017 UKRGASBANK advanced another green loan amounting to EUR 3 million. Loan proceeds will be used for the construction of the new solar power plants (SPP) in Khmelnitsky region.

UKRGASBANK provided credit funds to the company that operates in Khmelnitsky region the existing SPP with total capacity of 4.9 MW. UKRGASBANK funding will be directed towards the construction of new facilities of the existing SPP. The loan period is 5 years.

New facilities will allow substantially increase renewable power generation, which will be supplied to the wholesale electricity market of Ukraine, reducing Ukraine's dependence on traditional energy sources.

Financing environmental projects and projects for the development of renewable energy UKRGASBANK conducted within the framework of ECO-banking strategy, which aims to improve the energy efficiency of Ukraine's economy and to achieve energy security.


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