The second anniversary of the UN Global Principles for Responsible Banking

Ukrgasbank is delighted to celebrate two years of the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB). The Principles bring together those banks committed to taking bold steps to ensure they are making a positive contribution to society and the environment.

As signatory of this global community, we are embedding sustainability across our banking activities to ensure a positive contribution to people and the planet.

Two years into our PRB journey, Ukrgasbank is pleased to show leadership and commitment to sustainable finance as a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Banking.

To date, one third of our loan portfolio is green. This has been achieved through USD 1.2 billion investments in large and medium-scale renewables and energy efficiency projects since 2016. Our efforts help to avoid 1.4 million tons of CO2 emissions a year.

“Ukrgasbank has been long known for its commitment to the environment and sustainability. So far, we are the only bank from Ukraine to sign the Principles, but we hope that with our example we will pave the way for others to follow,” said Andrii Kravets, Ukrgasbank Chairman of the Management Board.


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