Ukrgasbank reports the record net profit of UAH 61.5 million in July 2012

Ukrgasbank has summed up financial results for July 2012. Thus, the net profit for the last month reached UAH 61.5 million being the record net profit result starting from the beginning of the year.

So the year-to-date net profit amounted to UAH 244 million exceeding the planned results by 30%.

The total income of the bank made UAH 246.5 million, that’s by UAH 41.4 million or by 20.2% greater than June’s results.

Total assets increased by 4.7% in July and made almost UAH 22 billion.

The corporate loan book reduced by UAH 80 million or by 0.8% compared to the previous month. At the same time retail loan portfolio increased by UAH 268 million or by 7%. The material growth has been largely driven by Ukrgasbank’s participation at the state mortgage loan program “Affordable housing”.

Amounts due to customers increased by 2.27% and as of August 1, 2012 exceeded UAH 6.8 billion. In particular, due to corporate customers amounted to UAH 1.5 billion and made a 9.6% growth compared to the previous month.

Total equity of Ukrgasbank increased by UAH 60 million and made almost UAH 3 billion in July.

Return on assets (ROA) is 2.21% and Return on equity (ROE) is 14.51% as of August 1, 2012.

For reference: Ukrgasbank ranks the 16th position by total assets and 5th position by share capital at the financial market of Ukraine. As of August 1, 2012 the branch network is composed of 235 points of sale, 572 ATMs, 1017 in-house and retail POS-terminals as well as 10 self-service kiosks.

Note: The financial data is made according to the Ukrainian Accounting Standards.


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