UKRGASBANK became a financial partner of UNIDO to reduce energy consumption in Ukraine

UKRGASBANK has been selected a financial partner of UNIDO, the UN organization, which aims to implement and develop the system of energy management in Ukraine, with the ultimate objective to increase the energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption.

The project “Introduction of Energy Management System Standard in Ukrainian Industry” will optimize the energy system and introduce ISO 50000 standards. Being a leading Ukrainian eco-bank, UKRGASBANK will finance the implementation of quality energy management among the Ukrainian manufacturers. This will allow to substantially increase workspace energy efficiency and subsequently result in reducing the energy consumption. The volume of UNIDO funding is expected to amount to USD 1.5 - 2m.

"Implementing the energy management system will reduce the cost of production, increase the production volume and competitiveness of both enterprises and products; it will also help to comply with environmental norms and standards. Experience shows that enterprises having implemented such a system with minimum investments get 10-20% increase in energy efficiency within the first years. Participants of the UNIDO program will receive not only affordable funding but also expertise from leading international energy efficiency experts, assistance in certification and installing energy management systems at their enterprises”, said Rodion Morozov, Head of Green Finance Department of UKRGASBANK.


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