Happy Birthday, dear Vasyl Mikhailovich!

We congratulate heartily honest and cheerful person, purposeful and wise top-manager, selfless and reliable friend, public figure and man of principle, personality with top professional qualities – Honorary President of OJSB ‘UkrGasBank’, People’s Deputy of Verhovna Rada, Vasyl M. Gorbal.

We congratulate heartily honest and cheerful person, purposeful and wise top-manager, selfless and reliable friend, public figure and man of principle, personality with top professional qualities – Honorary President of OJSB ‘UkrGasBank’, People’s Deputy of Verhovna Rada, Vasyl M. Gorbal.

Wish your inexhaustible energy become source for further achievements and beginnings, and determination and persistency in goals attainment become an example for everybody.
We wish your face beamed with sunny smile and your soul was full of peace and love.

Yours faithfully,
‘UkrGasBank’ team


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