Home-coming and emotions

The winners (‘Winter never comes’) from all over Ukraine have returned home from weekly tour in Egypt. According to action the Bank raffled 100 tickets to Egypt that is twice more than in previous year.

The winners (‘Winter never comes’) from all over Ukraine have returned home from weekly tour in Egypt. According to action the Bank raffled 100 tickets to Egypt that is twice more than in previous year.
The winners lived in Host Mark Hotel (Hurghada) and enjoyed bright sun.
After a hot sun our depositors returned in snow-covered Ukraine and expressed their emotions: 

“I would like to thank ‘UkrGasBank’ for the wonderful holiday presented for us. The tour left the best impressions. I’m absolutely contented with arrangements, hotel, and excursions. Indeed, winter didn’t come. Just one thing wrong – we have to leave warm paradise to come back in cold winter (just joking).
I wish you prosperity and all the best! Keep making your client happier.
Special thanks for our team managers, namely, Mrs. Irina, Mr. Alexander, Nikolay Matveevich.
Good luck to you!
I hope to be in luck again.
Remain being your client…”
Ivan Krasnivskiy, Lviv

 "I would like to notice excellent guide work: excursions in Cairo and Luxor – where we have visited ancient temples, Pharaohs’ sepulchers. We saw contemporary and ancient parts of Cairo as well as famous pyramids of Giza and Sphinx."
Ivan Buzyan, Odessa

 “Thank you’ UkrGasBank’, for incredible tour out from hateful winter into warm summer! Egyptians said we were fortunate enough to enjoy fine weather. 28 degrees above zero plus warm sea, well-equipped beaches and entertaining excursions. It was easy to recognize ‘UkrGasBank’ group dressed in bright blue T-shirts with logotypes. Inscriptions on T-shirts said: “I have everything I need! So, I don’t want your souvenirs, papyrus, cats, beetles, Nefertiti, cups etc.” But such warning has just provoked traders. People who almost became friends produced the most incredible impression. Why almost? Because we’re going to be friends with lucky persons and with the Bank. And if we’ll be in luck next time then – with Egypt too!”
Yana Kazmyrenko, Kyiv

 “Tour arrangements were perfect. Fabulous hotel, excellent nutrition, accurate and well-coordinated attendants’ work benevolence and care – everything was up to mark.
I’m grateful to ‘UkrGasBank’ employees for wonderful chance to break away from cold and rainy Odessa and visit the country the country of warm sea and summer sun.
It is always pleasant to cooperate with the Bank that not only offers advantageous conditions but also the chance to participate in drawing and more over – to win!”
Dmitriy Derbakov, Odessa

‘UkrGasBank’ continues such a pleasant tradition for its depositors and clients. The action “Keep being in our team - 2” started in 15.02.2006 (the result of the action – drawing of 11 tickets to Paris at Final Football Championship).


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